Hanging Out with Little Miss

I have to say that I think this is the first time in years that my little miss has watched the entire VMA's with me.  I wonder if big miss being away at college has something to do with it, but whatever it is, I am glad she is next to me.  Maybe I should let you know that she is posting to FB at a post a minute, but her body is next to mine, lol.
Big miss has called me more times this first week away then she did when she lived here!  It is nice to know that she really does need me!  This week has gone by so quickly, I can't believe that tomorrow starts the 2nd week of school already.  Only 175 more days until summer vacation!  Only 2 more weeks until we get to see big miss during Family Weekend.  This will be the first time hubby sees the campus where his little girl will spend the next 4 years.  He has been fine, but I think he will feel a twinge of OMG when he finally gets to see it.

Have a blessed week everyone!

One Week

One week ago, I said goodbye to my baby girl and left her at that big bad University.  To be honest, it hasn't been that bad, much to my surprise!  I have thought about her everyday, that is a fact, but I have also continued to live, laugh, and love, in spite of me not wanting to.  We talked everyday (she called me) and I had my first Skype experience, ever.  I miss her so, but I also get to relish every minute of her independence and it makes my heart oh so very proud.
Little miss and I are forging a new relationship without big miss here, so that is the upside to all of this.  She has me to herself and vice versa, we are off to the mall together as of this writing.
There is joy in in watching our hearts walk around outside of us, I am living this moment wholeheartedly and I am smiling, not crying, when I think of big miss.  This has been a good week, in the end.  I know we will all be ok.

College Countdown is Over

I DID IT!  We took Jessica (big miss) off to college and I had to leave her there (lol).  I cried a total of 4 times and 3 of them were on the drive up!  I was so distraught that I didn't notice the 87 MPH on my gauge, so of course, I got a ticket.  I didn't even know that there were troopers up in planes sending your speed down to the troopers on the ground!  I was told that it was a speed trap, college bound families were all over the road, and they knew it! 

Oh well, we got her room up and ready, she is having a blast so far.  It is very strange to know that her room will be empty, unless little miss takes it over soon!  I am exhausted, so I will write more tomorrow.
Thanks for all the support!


Tomorrow morning we are leaving to take Jessica to college, this bittersweet moment has come all to fast for this mommy.  I remember posting T-200+ days and here we are at the zero hour.  I can't believe it, I really can't.  This afternoon when my principal was speaking to us at our opening of schools meeting she talked about a few key people on staff.  When she spoke about me, she added that tomorrow will be a big day for me so she would like for everyone to keep me in their thoughts. She then said those fateful words, "because Mrs. Fernandez will be taking her daughter to college".  I must tell you that hearing someone else say it brought me to tears, right there in our cafeteria, I cried like a baby.  I tried to hold back the tears, but I couldn't.  She of course then had to add that she has known Jessica since she was a little girl, because we met when she was my AP at my previous school when Jessica was in 4th grade.

I hope and pray that this weekend will hold us until we see each other in a few weeks for family weekend.  I am getting choked up, so I must leave you for now.  Keep us in your thoughts.


5 days, 5 very short days.  I can't believe it, where did the time go?  Summer has flown by and now I am back to work tomorrow, little miss starts practice again, and big miss is off to college on Friday.  Life is spinning out of control, all for the good, but out of control, nonetheless.  I wish I would have savored the past 18 years just a little bit more.  Would that have even been possible?  I doubt it, I loved every second that I spent with big miss on this journey and now she is off to use all I taught her.  She is going to make my heart proud, prouder.


Well, here we are, 1 week away from taking Jessica off to her new college home.  I have to say, I have gotten through this week without too many tears, a few, but not many.  I am hoping that I can contain myself for the next few days, as there is much to do.  I will be spending every waking moment in my classroom and she is tying up her loose ends.  I will let you know how this week unfolds.  Happy Friday everyone!

I Am Still Shaking: Please Read So This Doesn't Happen To You!

My amazing dinner from the Cheesecake Factory is stuck in my throat and I am shaking profusely.  You have to read this very long post all the way through, it just may save your life.  Here is what happened:

My sister, her daughter, and I walked to my car after dinner.  I parked in the parking garage, which was now fairly empty.  As we were walking, I saw the car next to mine and I even commented that they left their lights on.  When we got closer we saw that there were 2 people in it, a guy and a girl, his door was open on the driver's side.  My sister was going to drive because I didn't feel good.  I got in the car, my niece got into her car seat and my sister had to move a shopping cart from between our 2 cars so she would be able to get out of the space.  The cart made a lot of noise, but no big deal.  By the time she got the cart to the other side of my car, this guy is standing next to his car screaming at her. He called her an F**** B**** and said she hit his car with the cart (she didn't).  He was pointing to the top of his car and kept cussing at her.  I should have called 911, but I froze!  Looking back, how stupid of me!!!!!!  She told him she didn't even touch his car, he still screamed and got closer to her.  She got in my car quickly and as she did he tried the door handle to get into my car, but I had already locked it.  She turned the car on to back out and he got behind my car and was banging on my window.  The girl never got out of his car, she kept texting or whatever she was doing.  My sister started inching back and he had to move with her or he would have been hit.  He was banging and cussing.  The girl then got out when he yelled to her to stop us and she started banging too.  We got enough space to drive away (very fast, I might add).  My sister drove so fast, I was in a daze and my niece kept repeating to get the flashlight it was dark.  Let me add that my niece is autistic, so this was not good for her to witness.
We made it home, I told my husband, he got pissed because he said this stuff never happens to him, only to me (it's true).
The cops came to our home because I was afraid this guy got my tag and made some kind of report.  Here is why you have to be aware:

This is a scam!  They park close, put something between you , accuse you of hitting their car and then either hijack you and the car or rob you!!!!!!!

I am taking a Zanax and going to bed.....maybe not, my head and heart are racing.


The excitement in her voice when she called me today was contagious.  She called to tell me about all the events that she will be attending during her first week of college, her first week, not here with me.  Concerts, meetings, and a Target School Event just for students of her college.  I have to admit, this is the one that got me.  Target, closed just for you, OMG!!!!!  Buses picking up students and taking them to Target, at night, to get FREE stuff! Why don't they do this for teachers?  I would be all up in that.  So I sort of told her to remember how much mommy loves Target and if there is any FREE stuff I could use, just grab 2, nobody will notice.  She has been to enough events with me to know how the smash and grab works, lol.
That's it for today.  No mushiness, no sadness, just fun.  Thank you Target!


Today I got to spend the evening watching Pretty Little Liars with my girls.  We love this show!  Jessica hasn't watched it with me lately because she has this weekly sleepover thing going with her best friend before she leaves to college, but today was our sleepover turn, so I got to join in.  I will take any moment I can with her, even if I have to share it with everyone else.  As I watch things unfold, I am noticing a difference in my little miss, she is very moody.  I have to wonder if it is because of the impending doom of Jessica leaving (how dramatic, lol).  I am sure that Julianne is dreading having to entertain me for the next few months until her sister returns for Thanksgiving break, but entertain me, she will.  In 17 days, she will be the only child for a while.  Gosh, that sounds terrible.  She will never be the only child, she will just be the only one living at home for now.  What thoughts will tomorrow bring?


Another day closer, another day filled with worry.  Big Miss went to the doctor today, alone (this is what happens at 18...) because she thought her belly piercing was infected.  I told her on Saturday it was fine, she should just clean it out and put Neosporin on it.  Nope, wasn't gonna happen, mom knows nothing, besides Neosporin will clog it and keep the infection inside.  Oh, ok, yeah, that's exactly what will happen.  Fast forward to today:  Not infected, put Neosporin on it.  I gotta love this kid!  That college clinic is going to have a ball with my daughter!  Best part, she got the first series of the HPV shot, on her own.  I have to say that was a great decision, so we are even, for now (LOL).  All that aside, I am glad that I am still the mommy who knows what is good and right for my adult child.  I worry that she may panic if she doesn't feel well or something doesn't feel right, but I am only a phone call away, right?  God will take care of her, He always does.