5 for Five

I am linking up with the girls for 5 for Five.  I wasn't too good at linking up last year, so in order to keep the balance (OLW), this will be my Monday post.  5 for Five is a link up with Jessica at Fantastically Average and Jenn at Party of One.  You can click on the hyperlink to find out how it works.

So here is my 5 for Five for this week:

1.  Post my 5 for Five (cheated, I know, but check it off, nonetheless!)  

Since I wasn't good at all with this last week, I included it as part of my five for this week.  I might do this for a few weeks until it becomes a habit.

2.  Leave work at the end of the workday 4 out of 5 days.

I sometimes always stay about an hour after the final bell rings to get things done.  I end up talking to friends or dilly dallying most of the time.  I want to be one of those people that pick up and go when my contract says I can, so this week I am striving for this.  Maybe if I do it more often, I will start using my time wisely.

3.  Eat healthy all 5 days.

I already messed this up today, for sure.  For the sake of not cheating twice in the same post, I will keep the 5 day goal...  I figure I can't let myself down the rest of the week.  I really have to do this, chocolate has become a regular member of all of the food groups for a few months.  I love my chocolate, but I think it is time that I limit myself and get on the better eating track.

4.  Work out 2 out of 5 days.

This is going to be the hardest for me.  I know 3 days is the average, but I won't do it, I never do.  If I start with 2 days, I might go to the 3 (I won't, but it looks good in writing).  How do you motivate yourself to keep this promise?

So that's my 5 for Five this week.  I hope you comment and leave me some inspiration and that you link up.  Let's do this together, who knows, by the end of the year...52 posts later we might truly accomplish something together!

Click the button and shoot for your 5 for Five!


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A Note From Those in the Pink <3