
The excitement in her voice when she called me today was contagious.  She called to tell me about all the events that she will be attending during her first week of college, her first week, not here with me.  Concerts, meetings, and a Target School Event just for students of her college.  I have to admit, this is the one that got me.  Target, closed just for you, OMG!!!!!  Buses picking up students and taking them to Target, at night, to get FREE stuff! Why don't they do this for teachers?  I would be all up in that.  So I sort of told her to remember how much mommy loves Target and if there is any FREE stuff I could use, just grab 2, nobody will notice.  She has been to enough events with me to know how the smash and grab works, lol.
That's it for today.  No mushiness, no sadness, just fun.  Thank you Target!


  1. I'm glad there is no sadness today! Hang in there! :)

    And yes, how wonderful would it be if Target gave teachers free stuff?! I think we'd all be ecstatic!

    Adventures in Teaching

  2. I am so jealous. I wish I could get free stuff at Target too.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan


A Note From Those in the Pink <3