
Do you remember your senior prom?  Was it everything you wanted or nothing you thought it would be?  My beautiful Jessica had her prom this weekend (pics went up yesterday) and like every little girl, she had expectations about this day. Why do we do this to ourselves?  Long story short, jessica had her first love last year, he broke up because he wanted to enjoy his last few months of his senior year....... she missed his prom while he took someone who was not a commitment.

Fast forward to this year:  Jessica has a new boyfriend, who broke up with her in  February because he was falling for her and didn't want to get attached since they are going to different colleges.  He took his non-commitment to prom on Saturday.

In walks first love home from Cornell...... took Jessica to her prom...... she went as friends, he had other plans...... hence my new term "Proma" (prom drama).  He was hurt, deleted her from FB, and doesn't want to talk to her again.  UGHHHH!  

Ok, that's our prom story for princess number one.  She did look absolutely stunning, she is doing very well today and has no regrets.  It is me, the mommy, hurting for her and for what should have been.


  1. Janine,

    It seems that every time I read about you, your daughter and her reminds me of my son and his. He went to his prom a few weeks ago as friends with an ex-girlfriend...needless to say - she hasn't talked to him since that night. I wanted so much more for his prom night and as a momma, I hurt for him.

    I hope her all the best and enjoy her this summer!

  2. Heather,
    Maybe we need to get these kids together, lol. Yeah, it has been a rough week, she doesn't even want me to develop the pictures..... I know that this too shall pass, but yes, as her mommy, my heart aches terribly. I wish your son nothing but happiness and peace this summer and into his future.


A Note From Those in the Pink <3