New Beginnings

My blogger days have begun and I am excited as I sit here thinking about what I should write.  As the year begins there is so much on my mind and I am already becoming overwhelmed with thoughts that need to be put into action.  

This blog will be used to document my daily life as a mother, a wife, and a teacher.  Where one ends the other begins and the circle is complete.  I hope to share many wonderful words, but I know at times the words will be less than wonderful as challenges arise. This year will be nothing short of a challenge as I watch my first born embark on the road to college.  She will leave her purple walled room of comfort and the warmth of her embrace will be missed.  The next six months will be filled with acceptances and rejections, but we will survive, we have to survive.  Words will help me through the tears and give me the strength to watch her blossom from high schooler to college freshman.

Reading is the common thread amongst the roles I find myself in, so it will be no mistake that reading will be the common thread within my blog.  You will be able to find comfort in the words that I read and how they impact my daily life.  I only hope that you will be able to share with me, as well.

I look forward to 2011 with anticipation and hope.  Join me on the journey.......

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A Note From Those in the Pink <3