Stylish Blogger Award

My First Blogger Award!!!!  Thank you so much Lana over at for sending me some love!  I am so excited.

So now on to the sharing:
1.  I have the greatest fear of speaking in front of adults, even though my greatest pleasure is teaching.
2. My family is everything to me, they complete the me I am.
3. I have started writing 2 books and have never finished them.....
4. I love everything about reality t.v., my one guilty pleasure.
5. I worry about my children each and every minute, sometimes so much, the thought consumes me.
6. My husband is my high school sweetheart and we will celebrate our 24th anniversary on April 4th.
7. I should have had 4 children, but it just wasn't in God's plan.

Thanks again Lana, you are the best!!

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A Note From Those in the Pink <3