One Week
One week ago, I said goodbye to my baby girl and left her at that big bad University. To be honest, it hasn't been that bad, much to my surprise! I have thought about her everyday, that is a fact, but I have also continued to live, laugh, and love, in spite of me not wanting to. We talked everyday (she called me) and I had my first Skype experience, ever. I miss her so, but I also get to relish every minute of her independence and it makes my heart oh so very proud.
Little miss and I are forging a new relationship without big miss here, so that is the upside to all of this. She has me to herself and vice versa, we are off to the mall together as of this writing.
There is joy in in watching our hearts walk around outside of us, I am living this moment wholeheartedly and I am smiling, not crying, when I think of big miss. This has been a good week, in the end. I know we will all be ok.
It is hard when they grow up and move on to the next stage. New follower from Blogaholics.