Wow, It Has Been Too Long

I have so much to say and so little at the same time.  I have let this little blog slip through my hands and I am sad.  This was my first attempt at blogging and I want to keep it, forever.  So, I will post when I can and I will post for me.  If my blogging peeps read along with me, I am happy.  I started this for me, so I will continue on for me.  The girls are wonderful young ladies, I love them to death.  Big Miss is doing well in college and she is in love, so all is well in her world.  Little Miss has started college here at home, so that made me happy.  She has two jobs that she loves and I love having her here with me.  I miss Big Miss all the time and she will be home next weekend, so we will be a happy family.  Hubby will be turning 50, so we will all celebrate and he will be pissy.  He has been pissy and I know it's the 50 thing, but he is denial.  It's ok, we will love him pissy or not!

Here is what happened to me this week

I am in pain, excruciating, mind-numbing pain.  

UTI they said, nope can't be, I don't have any symptoms.  Take the antibiotic, go back to work, you will be fine, they said.  Two days later, I cried the entire day at work.  My back was derailing and I couldn't do a thing about it. The cramps, they were back.  Everyone said kidney stones.  Ok, could be.

Come Monday, I had to be escorted out of work again and sent to the ER.  8 hours later, NOTHING!!!!  Sounds like kidney stones, your pain is indicative of kidney stones, but no stones.  Just infection, now in the bladder and the kidneys.  There might be sand in your kidneys.  Oh, good, that trip to the beach was well worth it.

One week later, I still cringe and cry.  I can't work until Monday and I can't do anything else.  I am writing this to get it off my chest and to ask for prayers from my blogging buddies.  

 Thanks for listening to the ramblings of a Percocet filled mind.  
Who looks like this when they have kidney pain?  Pretend this is me, this is what I look like right now, LOL.


A Note From Those in the Pink <3