One Little Word

I can't believe it is 2013!  I remember when I first started working at a bank many years ago and one of my older (wiser) clients told me that as we get older, the years go  by faster and faster.  At 20, I laughed because it didn't hold true for me at that time.  Now at 44, I think about him and I no longer laugh, because now I am older and wiser and know that he was right on the money.  We blink...and the years have passed.

Last year, my OLW was, release.  I released, a lot.  I still have a lot that I am holding on to and I still need to release, but I didn't want to be a poor sport and keep the same word (I need to release the word, as well).

So, with that in mind, my OLW is:


I figured it goes with release, so I can still release in order to find balance.  I need to balance my work life, my mommy life, my wife life, and my "me" life so all 4 of them have enough time to evolve and grow.  I haven't come up with a plan, so part of the balance will be planning to balance!

I also am in desperate need of balancing our finances.  We are not in a good place right now and I cringe to think of what would happen if we had a true financial emergency...

My diet is in need of a good healthy balancing act, so that is on the books for this Monday, the 7th, along with the dreaded...exercise.  

So, I will balance all of this and more.  I will definitely be balancing my blogging, since it falls into the "me" life.  Here's to a balanced life!

Here is the graphic that will keep me balanced:

What is your OLW this year?

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A Note From Those in the Pink <3