My little blog is still here, she has waited and waited patiently to hear from momma! Patience is a virtue and time is of the essence, so here I am. This first weekend of 2014 has promised a good year and to keep in step, I will post once a week to keep everyone (especially myself) up to date on our happenings in our little corner of the world.
Big Miss is back at school at Little Miss will start tomorrow. Changes have been a happenin' here and we have taken them in stride. It is good to have my little miss here at home, but it is also extremely stressful. Here's what I'm talking about: With big miss away at school, I worry, but I don't stay up at night waiting for her to come home with a pit in my stomach and an ache in my heart. With little miss here, I die a little bit each time she steps out the door. I worry to my heart's content and then some, driving my husband crazy and I think I am making myself nuts, to say the least. We opted out of a curfew (home by 5 am, kill me now..) so she can be just like her big sister who doesn't have mommy and daddy breathing down her neck. The only problem is that I am breathing down her neck, my neck, and everyone else's neck. What to do, what to do....
Tomorrow I go back to work after a glorious 2 weeks home with my little family. Routines and deadlines will take over and we will see each other again on spring break, haha! I am not kidding, people! I have school and college (working on that PhD), little miss has work, dance, and college, hubby has work, work, work, and more work and big miss is doing her thing away at school. She starts a new internship tomorrow, go big miss! She has been doing great things in the world of engineering, this momma is proud!
My OLW for 2014: PRAY. That's it, enough said.
Keep smiling peeps, it gives your face something to do! Until next week....