I can honestly say that since Big Miss left for college in August, I haven't worried all that much (surprised?) until this past Thursday. She was driving home from her new job and got a little lost, so she called me. This is the hardest part of kids going away to college, they call you thinking you are going to help them and while you are acting strong, you are slowly dying inside. I told her to use her GPS and call me when she got home. I was at work, so I forgot about it and continued on with my day.
At 9 pm, hubby asks if I heard from her today because he texted her and hadn't heard back. Instant. Heart. Pounding. Fear. Ensued.
I call, no answer... I text, no answer... I start wondering how I will get the news: do they call the local police to come to your house, am I going to hear from one of her new friends that I don't know, is a stranger going to find her phone and call me... you get the picture.
I remembered that I had her friend's number, so I texted her and it took 30 minutes to hear back from her that my Big Miss was sleeping!!!!! I then get a text from Big Miss saying "sorry, I knocked out when I got home" and that was it.
The next day when we spoke, she told me that I need to chill out and relax. Does she not remember the crazy person who dropped her off in August and cried for weeks? How can she forget the person who watched the clock her senior year and would twinge when her curfew came and went (even though she never came home more than 15 minutes late)?
I am seriously thinking about getting medicine for my anxiety about this whole college thing. BECAUSE Little Miss has also decided that she too will leave the nest!!!!!
College girl was here last week since it was her spring break, which was one week too soon, as we are on spring break this week. I guess it was okay, she got to spend time with daddy (he took his vacation last week so she wouldn't be on break alone). They spent their days eating sushi and just talking while high school girl and I drudged through our daily routines. We tried to act excited when they told us about their day, but it was a stretch to smile, lol.
The girls and I did go to Orlando for dance nationals, so that was so fun! I think I look forward to that trip more than the dance team does (cue dance mom crazy). Our girls were 10th in the nation for hip hop and 4th in the nation for medium varsity jazz and team performance. As a mom it is my bragging rights to give you the link so you can see the videos (only if you want to). In the jazz routine my daughter is Alice and in the others she is the cute blonde. Here is the link if you would like to check her and the other members out:
NDA 2012 Competition Videos
In other news, college girl has been given the chance to be a research assistant UCF under a grant with Lockheed Martin! This mama is so proud of her girls and I know all my lovely bloggers feel that pride right along with me.
Well, I should get back to that "Things To Do On Spring Break" list. Hmmm.... maybe tomorrow, today is already shot, LOL.
Just some pics of the 3 dances and then my 2 cutees!
I have so much going on right now and I have been a bad blogger! I am hoping to get back to the fun stuff in my life, but for now I have to get so much done at work, there just isn't time to post about the happenings of my life. I promise to be back soon, so just hang in there!